Texas Counties Deliver – learn how county government serves you
County Clerk

Jury Padron
300 Main Street, Room 104

P. O. Box 1468
Big Spring, Texas 79721

Phone: 432-264-2213
Fax: 432-264-2215
For questions please call:  432-264-2213
Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Central Time
(Marriage licenses are sold only between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM)
Texas Court Help

Fee Change Notice

Apply for a Birth or Death Certificate at the above office.
Birth Certificates - $23.00
Death Certificates- $21.00 for first copy, and $4.00 for each copy thereafter.
Cash or Money order ONLY
No personal checks

Birth & Death request form

Recording Fees
$25.00 for first page and $4.00 for each page thereafter.
.25 for each name in excess of five
This office does not conduct Real Property Searches
You can search the Real Property Records at https://howardcountytx-web.tylerhost.net/web/.  From there you can also pay for copies and print.  If you should need certified copies, please contact our office by phone at 432-264-2213 for instructions on how to pay and receive those copies.

Marriage License

$81.00 for license UNLESS, certificate from TWOGETHER then license will be $21.00
To learn about the qualifying marriage education opportunities in your area, simply enter the ZIP code, City, or County in the “Search for Marriage Education Services” field at: http://twogetherintexas.com or call 2-1-1

Marriage license request form
$21.00 for certified copy

Search Fees
Probate and Civil - $5.00 each name. Criminal searches are not done in this office.
(Fee required before search conducted)

To perform a Criminal search, please contact the Texas Department of Public Safety at 512-424-5079

Petition for an order of Non-disclosure click here
Commissioners' Court Minutes

Foreclosure Notices